Arokia IT LLC

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Link Building Services Agency

Link Building Services Company

What is Link Building?

Link building is a crucial aspect of search engine optimization (SEO) that involves acquiring backlinks(or hyperlinks) from other websites to your website. These hyperlinks, also known as backlinks or inbound links, act as votes of confidence from other websites, indicating to search engines that your website is valuable, relevant, and trustworthy. Link building is essentially the process of getting other websites to link to your website, and it plays a significant role in determining your website’s authority and ranking in search engine results.

Why is Link Building Important for SEO?

Link building is essential because links are one of the major ranking factors of search engines. 

Search engine ranking

Search engines like Google consider backlinks as a key ranking factor. Websites with more high-quality backlinks tend to rank higher in search results.

Credibility and trust

Backlinks from reputable websites signal trustworthiness and authority to search engines and users alike.

Increased organic traffic

Good link-building practices can drive referral traffic from other websites to yours, leading to potential new visitors and customers.

Indexing and crawling

Backlinks help search engine bots discover and index your website's pages, improving overall visibility.

Competitive advantage

Outperforming your competitors in link building can help you gain an edge in the rankings and industry authority.

What are the Most Effective Link-building Strategies for 2023?

Skyscraper Technique: The skyscraper technique offers a superior resource as compared to your competitors, making it more likely for websites to link to your content instead of theirs. By attracting quality backlinks, your website’s authority and visibility in search engine rankings can improve significantly

HARO: Utilize HARO (Help a Reporter Out) platform to establish connections with journalists who require specialized insights. Share your expertise by providing quotes or information, and in return, gain valuable backlinks.

Ultimate Guides: Ultimate Guides should be comprehensive, well-researched, and visually engaging. It should cover the topic exhaustively, include helpful visuals, provide valuable resource links, and offer a downloadable PDF version.

Guest blogging: Writing guest posts for other relevant and authoritative websites allows you to include backlinks to your own website in the content.

Influencer outreach: Collaborating with influencers in your industry can help you earn backlinks from their websites and social media platforms.

Broken link buildingFinding broken links on other websites and offering your content as a replacement is an effective way to acquire backlinks.

Resource page link building: Identifying resource pages in your niche and requesting backlinks if your content is relevant and valuable to their audience.

Link reclamation: Monitoring mentions of your brand and reaching out to website owners to turn unlinked mentions into backlinks.

Content promotion: Actively promoting your content through social media, email outreach, and other channels can increase its visibility and attract backlinks.

High-quality content creation: Producing valuable, shareable, and informative content can naturally attract backlinks from other websites.

How to Acquire High-Quality Backlinks for Your Website?

To acquire high-quality backlinks for your website, follow these tips:

Create exceptional content

Producing valuable and unique content will naturally attract backlinks from other websites.

Build relationships

Network with other website owners, bloggers, and influencers in your industry to foster link-building opportunities.

Guest posting

Contribute guest articles to authoritative websites in your niche, including a relevant backlink in your author bio.

Broken link building

Find broken links on other websites and offer your content as a replacement.


Actively promote your content on social media and through outreach to increase its visibility and likelihood of getting linked too.

Monitor brand mentions

Keep an eye on mentions of your brand or content and reach out to the website owners to request backlinks where applicable.

Create link-worthy assets

Develop valuable resources, infographics, or tools that other websites would want to link to.

What are the Benefits of Professional Link Building Services?

Professional link-building services can offer several benefits, such as:

Professional link building service

Industry Expertise

Link-building agencies have access to vast networks and resources, which enables them to identify relevant opportunities for your website. Their expertise and knowledge of the latest SEO trends ensure that your link-building efforts are effective and aligned with best practices.


Outsourcing link-building services allows you to focus on other essential aspects of your business while experts handle the process.

Access to networks

Professional link-building services may have established relationships with websites, bloggers, and influencers, making it easier to secure quality backlinks.

Quality assurance

Reputable services are more likely to follow ethical practices, ensuring that you get high-quality, relevant backlinks that comply with search engine guidelines.

Targeted and Relevant Traffic

Professional link-building services can help you acquire backlinks from relevant websites in your industry. This targeted approach ensures that the traffic coming to your website is more likely to convert into customers.

Enhanced Domain Authority

Building a strong backlink profile enhances your website's domain authority, which is a critical factor in search engine rankings. A higher domain authority makes it easier for your website to rank well and gain credibility in your industry.

Performance tracking

Link-building agencies provide detailed reports and analytics to track the progress of your campaign. This allows you to measure the impact of their services and make data-driven decisions to further optimize your SEO efforts.

What Do Our Link Building Services Include?

Our link-building services include:

Content creation

Content creation for link building campaign

We create high-quality content that is valuable and informative to your target audience. This content is well-written, keyword-optimized, and visually appealing.

Content creation for link building campaign
Content promotion for link building

Content promotion

Content promotion for link building

We promote your content through social media, email marketing, and other channels. This helps to get your content in front of more people and increases the chances of it being linked to.

Guest blogging

Guest posting for link building

We write guest posts for high-quality websites in your industry. This is a great way to get backlinks from relevant websites and build relationships with other bloggers.

Guest posting for link building
Directory submission for backlinks

Directory submission

Directory submission for backlinks

We submit your website to relevant directories and bookmarking sites. This can increase your website’s visibility and attract backlinks.

Broken link building

Broken link building for backlinks

We find broken links on other websites and suggest that they be replaced with links to your website. This is a great way to get high-quality backlinks without having to create any new content.

Broken link building for backlinks
Link building outreach


Link building outreach

We reach out to relevant websites and ask them to link to your content. We do this in a professional and ethical way, and we avoid using spammy tactics.

Link analysis

Link building for local seo services

Our backlink builder service analyzes your website’s backlink profile to identify opportunities for improvement. We can also help you to monitor your backlinks and track your progress over time.

Link building for local seo services
Monthly link building service

Website link-building services

Monthly link building service

Our monthly link-building service guarantees a consistent influx of authoritative backlinks, positioning your website for improved search rankings and organic traffic. Our link building services are affordable and accessible to businesses of all sizes.

Social media backlinks

Content promotion on Social media for link building

We help you to get your content shared on social media, which can lead to backlinks from relevant websites.

Content promotion on Social media for link building
Digital press release link building service

Press release distribution

Digital press release link building service

We distribute your press releases to relevant media outlets, which can lead to backlinks from news websites and blogs.

Creating Link-Worthy Images

unique Images creation for links

Arokia IT crafts images that are visually appealing and relevant to your content. 

unique Images creation for links
video marketing for medical practitioners and Doctors

Link-building with video marketing

video marketing for medical practitioners and Doctors

We create and promote videos that can help you to get backlinks from relevant websites.

Create infographics

Unique Infographics for links

Arokia IT can create valuable and informative infographics for your target audience. These infographics should be well-designed and visually appealing. Arokia IT can promote its infographics through social media, email marketing, and other channels. This helps to get the infographics in front of more people and increases the chances of them being linked too.

Unique Infographics for links
Amazon search engine optimization services

Link reclamation

Link Reclamation

We help you to get broken backlinks replaced with links to your website.

Link Building Audit

Link building audit services

A Link Building Audit is a systematic examination of a website’s backlink profile to evaluate the quality and relevance of incoming links. This process involves assessing factors such as the source, anchor text, and authority of backlinks. The goal is to identify any potentially harmful or low-quality links that could negatively impact a website’s search engine rankings. 

Link building audit services

If you are interested in learning more about our professional link-building service please contact us. We would be happy to discuss your needs and create a plan to help you achieve your goals.

How to Choose the Right Link Building Service?

When choosing a link-building service, consider the following factors:

Reputation and experience

Look for a link-building agency with a proven track record of successful link-building campaigns and positive reviews from previous clients.


Ensure that the service provides clear communication about their strategies and the types of backlinks they will acquire for your website.

Quality over quantity

Focus on a service that prioritizes obtaining high-quality backlinks from relevant and authoritative websites rather than sheer volume.

Ethical practices

Avoid services that engage in black-hat link-building techniques, as these can harm your website's SEO in the long run.


A good link-building service will tailor their approach to your specific industry and goals rather than using a one-size-fits-all approach.

Reporting and analytics

Choose a service that provides regular reports and insights into the performance of your link-building campaigns

Service Cost

Wondering if higher-priced services offer more value? Compare different service prices to see if the quality matches the cost. Check features like reports and process insights that could justify higher prices. Think about whether a big agency fits your value expectations. Consider your budget and goals – smaller budgets fit smaller agencies, larger ones for broader needs. Assess costs against benefits: better rankings, more visitors, or brand recognition.

Backlink Profile of the Service

This metric can be the proof in the pudding. If the backlink service you’re investigating has a good backlink profile and other sites point to them as masters in their craft, then excellent — they know what they’re doing. However, if the backlink service you’re checking out has a poor backlink profile, you might wonder about their ability to earn backlinks for your website as well

ROI varies based on link quality, keywords, and competition – don’t expect instant results, changes take time.

Remember that link building is a long-term strategy, and it’s essential to choose a service that aligns with your website’s needs and follows best practices for sustainable results 

Why Choose Arokia IT for Link Building Services?

Arokia IT’s Effective Link-Building Approaches:

  • Publishing Link-Worthy Content: Arokia IT, the professional Link building agency, prioritizes generating content with substantial value for its audience. By addressing common issues and offering innovative perspectives in the technology domain, we naturally attract backlinks from relevant sites.
  • Outreach: Arokia IT actively engages in outreach, approaching authoritative websites with their content. Emphasizing mutual benefits, we collaborate to secure credible backlinks that highlight their expertise.
  • Engaging in Newsworthy Activities: Strategic events, donations, product launches, and partnerships attract news coverage, enabling Arokia IT to secure backlinks from reputable publications.
  • Implementing link-building audit: Regular link-building audit is done to evaluate the quality and quantity of backlinks pointing to a website and to identify and fix any issues that could be affecting the website’s SEO performance. 
  • Creating Infographics: Arokia IT designs valuable infographics for its audience. Promoting them across platforms enhances visibility and the potential for backlinks.
  • Guest Blogging on Relevant Websites: Arokia IT contributes guest posts to authoritative websites, solidifying relationships and earning backlinks.
  • Establishing Thought Leadership: Arokia IT asserts thought leadership through guest blogs, Q&A participation, social content, and industry engagements, attracting authoritative backlinks.

It’s important to note that Arokia IT avoids black hat link-building tactics, such as 

  • “PBN (Private Blog Networks)links, 
  • Buying Links on Link Farms, 
  • Using Automated Blog Comments, 
  • Adding Links to Plug-ins or Themes, 
  • Hacking Websites to Add Links and 
  • Adding Links to User-Generated Spam.

Instead, our approach focuses on ethical and sustainable strategies that contribute to long-term success in the ever-evolving landscape of SEO and link building. Prioritizing ethical practices, our safe link-building service adheres to search engine guidelines, ensuring your website’s long-term success.

What is Our Link Building process?

Here is an outline of Arokia IT’s comprehensive link-building process, starting from the initial planning stages to the final execution:

  • First We define campaign objectives and analyze your target audience to tailor our efforts effectively. 
  • We identify relevant keywords and craft content ideas that align with industry trends. 
  • Our team creates high-quality, engaging content enriched with visuals. 
  • We optimize content for SEO and internal linking for improved site structure. 
  • After identifying authoritative sites, we personalize outreach and contribute guest articles. We plan attention-grabbing activities and distribute press releases.
  • Our Link Building Audit will do regular backlink analysis and corrections to ensure optimal linking. 
  • Through insightful content, we engage in industry platforms. 
  • Our Link building agency tracks metrics, analyzes results, and adjusts strategies. Continuously adapting, we refine tactics for sustained success.

What are the differences between Link Building and Backlinks?

Link building and backlinks are not exactly the same, but they are closely related. Link building is the process of getting other websites to link back to your website. Backlinks are the actual links that other websites point to your website. So, link building is the activity, and backlinks are the result of that activity.

Backlinks are important for SEO (search engine optimization) because they are a signal to search engines that your website is valuable and authoritative. The more backlinks you have from high-quality websites, the higher your website will rank in search engine results pages (SERPs). If you are looking to improve your website’s SEO, then link-building is an important activity. 

However, it is important to do it the right way. Building backlinks from low-quality websites or using spammy techniques can actually hurt your website’s SEO. Arokia IT’s team of experienced  Arokia IT’s team of experienced backlink-building services helps businesses acquire high-quality backlinks that will help them achieve their business goals. We offer a paid link-building service that provides businesses with the best possible results.

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